Successfully pass the Senior GDTP Examination.Applicants must have five years (60 months) of documented experience in the field of GD&T in the recognized use of the system in both application and understanding.Certification indicates that the individual has demonstrated competencies in the understanding of geometric tolerancing and related principles, tolerance calculation, datum feature selection, application of modifiers in feature controls and composite tolerances.

The Senior level examination emphasizes knowledge, selection, and application of the dimensioning and tolerancing principles, concepts, and practices contained in ASME Y14.5M-1994 or ASME Y14.5-2009, including appendices. There is no experience requirement.ĭesign (CAD Designers and Engineers, Design Engineers, Product Engineers, Draftsperson, Engineering Managers) Tooling (CNC Operators and Machinist, Tooling Engineers, Manufacturing Engineers) Production (Manufacturing and Production Managers, Engineers, Technicians) Quality & Inspection (CMM Operator and Metrology Specialist, Quality Managers, Engineers, Technicians, and Inspectors, Supplier Quality Engineers) Apply Now In order to be certified as a Technologist GDTP, applicants must successfully pass the Technologist GDTP Examination.

Certification indicates that the individual has demonstrated competencies in the understanding of the symbols, modifiers, and relationships of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) as applied to engineering drawings and related documentation. The Technologist level examination emphasizes the applicant’s knowledge of GD&T principles, concepts, and practices in accordance with.