
Iron man mark 42 glove pepakura
Iron man mark 42 glove pepakura

iron man mark 42 glove pepakura

The main focus of this tutorial will address the painting and detailing stages of a build, taking you from paper to Iron Man (but actually War Machine), hopefully giving you some tips and insight along the way.

iron man mark 42 glove pepakura

My experience is in that finishing process. Browsing through Google and costume forums a lot of people have taken great care to cut, fold, and glue beautiful paper models, but when it comes to painting and detailing the end product, the project goes awry. I am new to the hobby, but I've noticed major issues with a lot of the tutorials currently available they lack information on the finishing process. Pepakura is a program that takes 3D models and unfolds them into a series of 2D pieces that can be printed out and assembled. I dived head first into the fun and quirky world of Pepakura. For a long time I've been curious to jump into the world of costume building, and this Christmas break it made the perfect project.

Iron man mark 42 glove pepakura